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Updates the duty cycle every 500 ms in a loop.YDwx Error MessageHX{;|;^D()PWM Duty Cycle [%]VD{| FirstFoundSD{|AddressHHHy;y;HyyH ,s-sX aTimerValuesHH$N PD$<%<stopH$@C%aD%aHD#R$R HDHD HDdsdsHD\*u+u HD܏ // //MDG;VBG<VByMD1@1@yMD / /xQDd e Index[D\\PWM Timer ValueZD Z ZDimension SizeVDzz DeviceTypeHDXWDk~zkz aTimerModes\DnO}nP}TimerClockConfigHDpRS ZD\]ConnectionTypeHD\DTimer Clock BaseHD_D  Timer Clock DivisorYDfu#fu# aEnableTimersWDGVGV TCPinOffset_DihLJUD_eTCConfigSB.viHDAlPAnP`D/>/>millisecond multipleHDȖYhYhHDЖyyHDؖ   HD~5H~6H`DVULJUD_OpenLabJackS.viHDyzHDRYSYHDT[U[;DxxValue passed should be 0-65535, and determines what portion of the total time is spent low (out of 65536 total increments). That means the duty cycle can be varied from 100% (0 out of 65536 are low) to 0.0015% (65535 out of 65536 are low).D68The overall frequency of the PWM output is the clock frequency specified by TimerClockBase/TimerClockDivisor divided by 2^16: PWM Frequency = (48000000/18)/65536 = 40.7 HzHD XD aTimerValuesHDD!HD4=U>U^DKJLJUD_eTCValuesB.viHDX##fDJIPin Configuration"no errorERRORno errorERROR"no errorERRORno errorERROR STOP%.0f%.0f%.4f%.0f%.0f%.0f%.0f%.0f%.0f%.0f%.0f%.0f%.0f%.2f%.2f%.2f%.0f%.0f FPHPU3 PWM16*FPHP8+XN*(|XL* *H 7<S `RE,,The error out cluster passes error or warning information out of a VI to be used by other VIs. The pop-up option Explain Error (or Explain Warning) gives more information about the error displayed.0  cE4 F Rc0 7 h@4 Octr,,,LxlD< vvrhThe status boolean is either TRUE (X) for an error, or FALSE (checkmark) for no error or a warning. The pop-up option Explain Error (or Explain Warning) gives more information about the error displayed.4 F, ev8r| t t t t t @Pe>(@ :, Avppl@ :, ookThe code input identifies the error or warning. The pop-up option Explain Error (or Explain Warning) gives more information about the error displayed.4Q>$ 4 F 4 2 <drL :, }00/.-0 , v>p 4+ 0  >0XPDThe source string describes the origin of the error or warning. The pop-up option Explain Error (or Explain Warning) gives more information about the error displayed.<S Rv  , X4 F \ Rxc0 7 \ h{0  \ cv,  ,  ,  |D4 Oct  The error out cluster passes error or warning information out of a VI to be used by other VIs. The pop-up option Explain Error (or Explain Warning) gives more information about the error displayed.< vv$ t t t t t @ P \e | 4 F  ev( The status boolean is either TRUE (X) for an error, or FALSE (checkmark) for no error or a warning. 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